If you’re in the market for Portland, OR replacement windows for your residence, you will be duly rewarded once the project is complete. Going to a reputable replacement window retailer who offers professional installation services will ensure things go smoothly. But as great as replacement windows are, they most certainly are not a silver bullet capable of solving every issue you may have in your home. Here’s look at things you can’t expect from them.
They Won’t Necessarily Resolve All Your Energy-Efficiency Issues
While it is true that replacement windows will make your home more energy efficient, you can’t expect them to single-handedly resolve all your issues on this front. For instance, if you have old appliances that are drinking rather than sipping electricity, you can’t expect replacement windows to magically fix your energy-efficiency problems. Yes, replacement windows will help, but you’ll be happier with the overall results if you take a big-picture approach. This means getting energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights that are not needed, and using your HVAC unit more efficiently. If you do all those sorts of things, you’ll end up paying less for utilities.
They Won’t Compensate for Lack of Care on Other Parts of the Home
You can bet that replacement windows will increase your home’s curb appeal. Few things show pride of homeownership more profoundly than do replacement windows. But all the replacement windows in the world won’t make up for a lack of care for your home in other areas. So don’t expect your curb appeal to reach astronomical heights if your roof is a mess, your deck is in tatters, or your lawn is a knee-high jungle of grass. Replacement windows represent one aspect of proper home care. If you cover all the bases, your home’s curb appeal will increase.
They Won’t Sell Your Home for You
This one is related to the previous point in that replacement windows, while a great investment ahead of selling your home, might not be enough to move the needle if there are some serious issues with your home. If your home is of the good-to-go variety – complete with replacement windows that are bound to last for perhaps several decades – it will attract more homebuyer interest. No one wants to have to change windows shortly after moving into a new home. You can take away one potential concern by getting replacement windows.
When the time comes for Portland, OR replacement windows, you can count on us from Kemp’s Windows Inc. to deliver the best in products and services. We know replacement windows inside and out, so you can count on us to help you throughout the entire process. You can reach us by phone at (503) 659-7587 or stop by our showroom at 16107 SE McLoughlin Blvd Portland, OR 97267. We’re fully bonded, licensed, and insured in both Oregon and Washington, and our AAMA-certified installers will install your new replacement windows. Call us or visit us today so that we can help you get the replacement windows your home deserves.