Retrofit windows have been a popular solution for homeowners who are looking to improve the energy efficiency of their homes without spending a lot of money. Kemp’s Windows Inc., a leading provider of retrofit windows, understands the benefits of retrofit windows and the installation process. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of retrofitting windows and the installation process.

The Benefits of Retrofit Windows

Retrofit windows have many benefits, with improved energy efficiency being one of the most significant. Older windows can allow drafts, which can cause your home to lose heat in the winter and gain heat in the summer. Retrofit windows can help reduce these drafts, resulting in lower energy bills and a more comfortable home. In addition to energy savings, retrofit windows can also improve the aesthetics of your home. New windows can update the look of your home and increase its curb appeal.

Another benefit of retrofit windows is that they are easy to install. Unlike full-frame replacements, which involve removing the entire window frame, retrofit windows are installed directly into the existing frame. This means less disruption to your home and a quicker installation process. Retrofit windows also come in a variety of styles and materials, allowing you to choose a design that best fits your home’s style and budget.

How Installation Process Works

The installation process for retrofit windows is straightforward. The first step is to measure your existing window frames to ensure that the new windows will fit correctly. Once the measurements have been taken, the old window sashes are removed from the frame. The new retrofit window is then placed into the existing frame and secured into place. The installation process typically takes a few hours per window and can be done by a professional.

When choosing a retrofit window, it is important to consider the frame material. Kemp’s Windows Inc. offers a wide range of frame materials, including vinyl, wood, and fiberglass. Vinyl frames are a popular choice due to their durability and low maintenance. They are also a cost-effective option. Other frame materials include wood and fiberglass, which offer their own advantages and disadvantages.

In addition to the frame material, the type of glass used in the window should also be considered. Double-pane and triple-pane windows are common choices for retrofit windows, as they offer improved energy efficiency over single-pane windows. You can also choose from a variety of coatings and tints to further enhance the energy efficiency of your windows.Retrofit windows


Retrofit windows are an affordable solution for homeowners who want to improve their home’s energy efficiency and aesthetics. Kemp’s Windows Inc. offers a wide range of retrofit windows in different styles and materials to meet the needs and preferences of our customers. By installing retrofit windows, you can enjoy lower energy bills, improved comfort, and a more attractive home. Contact Kemp’s Windows Inc. today or you can call us at (503) 659-7587 to learn more about retrofit windows and how they can benefit your home.

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Kemp’s Windows Inc.